Voto 6+
In sostanza Oliver Stone fa un buon lavoro, pero' nulla di eccezzionale. Wall Street: Money Never Sleep e' la versione soft dell Wall Street originale. Sinceramente mi e' apparsa troppo alternativa. Credo che nel film si sia moralizzato troppo, sopratutto su temi come petrolio, energie rinnovabili, banche... sebrava quasi piu' un film di greenpeace che una produzione Hollywoodiana. Oliver Stone ha ucciso il Gordon Gekko che conoscievamo e lo a fatto diventare un moralista.
Wall Street 2 rimane comunque un film da vedere e godersi l'inetrpretazione anche questa volta magistrale di Michael Douglas.
After Wall Street 'has become a cult film of the '80s, returns to the big screen with the second part. The director of the movie is still Oliver Stone and Michael Douglas is in again, but the actors have changed. This time the main actor is not 'Charlie Sheen (who still appears in the film, a small cameo), but takes its place Shia LaBeouf (Transformers) as Jake Moore. Jake it is a young Wall Street trader, who after the death of his mentor Louis Zabel (the role is played by Frank Langella) tries, with the help of Gekko, to revenge his mentor death. Moreover, the two try to somehow tell the world the economic disaster that is approaching. The second thread of the story is the love story between Jake Moore and the daughter of Gekko, Winnie Gekko (the role played by the young Carey Mulligan). Other well-known name of this film is Josh Brolin (American Gangster, No Country For Old Man, W.) in the part of the ˝bad guy˝.
Rated 6+
In essence, Oliver Stone does a good job, but 'nothing exceptional. Wall Street: Money Never Sleep is a soft version of the original Wall Street. Sincerely it appeared too me too alternative. I think the film has moralized too much, especially on issues such as oil, renewable energy, banks ... it appears to me almost more 'a film by Greenpeace that a Hollywood production. Oliver Stone has killed Gordon Gekko as we knew it, and he make he become a moralist.
Wall Street 2 is still a movie to watch and enjoy, with a great interpretation of Michael Douglas.
Rated 6+
In essence, Oliver Stone does a good job, but 'nothing exceptional. Wall Street: Money Never Sleep is a soft version of the original Wall Street. Sincerely it appeared too me too alternative. I think the film has moralized too much, especially on issues such as oil, renewable energy, banks ... it appears to me almost more 'a film by Greenpeace that a Hollywood production. Oliver Stone has killed Gordon Gekko as we knew it, and he make he become a moralist.
Wall Street 2 is still a movie to watch and enjoy, with a great interpretation of Michael Douglas.
Wall Street: Money Never Sleep TRAILER
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