Monday, November 29, 2010

And here comes the new Disney cartoon - In tukaj prihaja nova risanka Disney


It’s almost obvious that under Christmas we see coming out many cartoons, I do not want to be polemical, but we all know that this is the best times in the year to sell DVD’s and get various gadgets.
Disney has always amazed me with classic cartoons, well this is not a classic Disney, indeed it seems a lot more a work of Pixar or DreamWorks cartoon makers.
History is a classical one, the princess in the tower, which is saved by a prince, oops, sorry saved by a bandit, long blonde hair, blah, blah, blah. In short, the classic fairy tale.
What fascinated me is the dialogue, the characters and how they interact with the world around them. I thought it was just another movie for children under 10 years, but I was wrong, it almost made me die laughing.
The actors who have lent their voice to the cartoon characters are Mandy Moore (Scrubs), Zac Levi (Chuck), Ron Perlman (Hellboy).

Small curiosity: the film this weekend grossed nearly 70 million dollars, almost succeeding Harry Potter in the most viewed this week end. The movie is also available in 3D.


Ocena: 7,5

To je skoraj že običaj da pod božič vidimo prihod številnih risank na velike zaslone, ne želim biti polemičen, vendar vsi vemo, da je to najboljši čas v letu za prodajo DVD-jev in raznolike spominke.
Disney me je vedno fasciniral s klasičnimi risankami, ampak to ni klasična Disney, zdi se veliko bol delo Pixar-ja ali DreamWorks-a.
Zgodba je klasičn, princesa zaklenjena v stolpu, ki jo reši princ, oops žal mi je rešil jo je lopov, dolge blond lase, bla, bla, bla. Skratka, klasična pravljica.
Kar me je očaralo v risanki je dialog in kako liki med seboj sodelujejo s svetom ki jih obkroža. Pa sem si že mislil, da je samo še en film za otroke mlajše od 10 let, vendar sem se motil, in skoraj umrl od smeha.
Igralci ki so posodil svoj glas za junake te risanke so Mandy Moore (Scrubs), Zac Levi (Chuck), Ron Perlman (Hellboy).

Mala radovednost film ta vikend je zaslužil skoraj 70 milijonov dolarjev, kar je zelo blizu uspehu Harryja Potterja, ki pa je bil najbolj gledan filem ta konec tedna.
 Film je na voljo tudi v 3D.

Official site:

Good bye Leslie Nilsen 1926 – 2010

It died at the age of 84, the comic actor Leslie Nilsen, due to complications following pneumonia.

Leslie Nilsen icon of 80's comedy flicks, made us laugh with movie serie The Naked Gun and movies such as Mr. Magoo, Spy Hard and Airplane.


Je umrl v 84 letu starosti, komični igralec Leslie Nilsen, zaradi zapletov po pljučnici.

Leslie Nilsen ikona komediji iz 80-ih, z filmi kakor The Naked Gun, Mr Magoo, Spy Hard in Airplane.

Harry Potter 7

Rating: 7
In the previous chapters of the Harry Potter saga I’ve had the feeling that it was really all very childish, but in the first part of the last chapter, things change.

In fact, the film Harry Potter and the Deadly Hollows is presented as a more engaged work than the previous films, the separation is obvious, it seem to me that the characters are indeed far more complete and appropriate for adults rather than for children. Perhaps the fact that the film is set outside Hogwarts, the school of the magic, has simplified things. In the new frame the characters are presented as fugitives in a world that is hostile to them. Voldemort, the villain, it seems to be everywhere and the three young protagonists seem to have the whole world against it. This factor helps to grow the characters. Then it must be said that director David Yates builds a world around them in the colors of winter, desperate situations, clashes of character and tone much more fitting a horror film. Thus paints a complete picture and full of nuances that make the film last two hours and forty minutes.

The entire film is focused on the three boys, played by Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) Rupert Grint (Ron) and Emma Watson (Hermione). The first two seemed to me truly out of place, somehow did not convince me as characters, they didn’t give their character the depth I would have expected. Emma Watson has been able to develop good and all the psychological aspects of her character, but she 'is not been perfect, at some point by exaggerating the psychological aspect.
My only regret is that we’ve didn’t seen all the other actors, mainly because the flick is concentrated on Harry and his friends. The other are more or less just extras in the movie.

Pulling a bit sums, Harry Potter had changed and changed much. From a child who was practicing with spells and magic, to the man that was thrown into a dark and hostile world. But it’s a bit what happens to all of us growing up.

Ocena: 7
V prejšnjih poglavjih sage Harryja Potterja  sem imel občutek, da je bilo res vse zelo otročje, ampak v prvem delu zadnjega poglavja, se stvari spremenijo.

Pravzaprav je film Harry Potter and the Deadly Hollow predstavljen kot bolj angažirano delo od prejšnjih celovečercev, in  je ločitev očitna, zdi se mi, da so igralci dejansko veliko bolj popolni in veliko bolj primerni za odrasle kot pa za otroke. Morda je dejstvo, da je film, ki je tokrat predstavljen zunaj Hogwartsa, šola magije, poenostavil stvari. V novi okvir so znaki predstavljeni kot ubežniki v svetu, ki je sovražen do njih. Voldemort tokratni zlobnež, se zdi da je povsod, tako da trije mladi glavni igralci, imajo občutek da imajo ves svet proti. Ta dejavnik krepko prispeva k rasti likov. Potem je potrebno še dodati, da režiser David Yates jim zgradi svet v barvah zime, obupanih razmer, spopadi so po značaju in tonu veliko več oprijemljajo horror filmov. Tako ustvarijo popolno sliko ki je polna odtenkov, in se zgodi da je film dolg dve uri in štirideset minut.

Celoten film se osredotoča na tri fante, ki so Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Rupert Grint (Ron) in Emma Watson (Hermiona). Prva dva, vsaj meni se je zdelo tako, me nekako nista prepričala kot lika, nista prikazala dovolj odločno svoja značaja, nista jim dala potrebne globine. Emma Watson je bila pa sposobna dobro razviti svojo vlogo in vse psihološke vidike svoje narave, ampak ona tudi ni bila ravno popolna, na nekaterih točkah je pretiravala s psihološkim pridihom.
Obžalujem in pogrešam, da jih nismo videli vse druge akterje v filmu, ker je tudi normalo saj je celovečerc  osredotočen na Harryja in na njegove prijatelji. Drugi so bolj ali manj le statisti.

tako da za zaključek se je Harry Potter spremenil, in to kar veliko spremenil. Od otroka, ki je vadil z uroki in čarovništvom, v moža ki je bil vržen v temno in njeu ne ravno naklonjenemu svetu. Ampak to je ravno to kar se zgodi vsem nam, odraščanje.

Cinema Review