It’s almost obvious that under Christmas we see coming out many cartoons, I do not want to be polemical, but we all know that this is the best times in the year to sell DVD’s and get various gadgets.
Disney has always amazed me with classic cartoons, well this is not a classic Disney, indeed it seems a lot more a work of Pixar or DreamWorks cartoon makers.
History is a classical one, the princess in the tower, which is saved by a prince, oops, sorry saved by a bandit, long blonde hair, blah, blah, blah. In short, the classic fairy tale.
What fascinated me is the dialogue, the characters and how they interact with the world around them. I thought it was just another movie for children under 10 years, but I was wrong, it almost made me die laughing.
The actors who have lent their voice to the cartoon characters are Mandy Moore (Scrubs), Zac Levi (Chuck), Ron Perlman (Hellboy).
History is a classical one, the princess in the tower, which is saved by a prince, oops, sorry saved by a bandit, long blonde hair, blah, blah, blah. In short, the classic fairy tale.
What fascinated me is the dialogue, the characters and how they interact with the world around them. I thought it was just another movie for children under 10 years, but I was wrong, it almost made me die laughing.
The actors who have lent their voice to the cartoon characters are Mandy Moore (Scrubs), Zac Levi (Chuck), Ron Perlman (Hellboy).
Small curiosity: the film this weekend grossed nearly 70 million dollars, almost succeeding Harry Potter in the most viewed this week end. The movie is also available in 3D.

To je skoraj že običaj da pod božič vidimo prihod številnih risank na velike zaslone, ne želim biti polemičen, vendar vsi vemo, da je to najboljši čas v letu za prodajo DVD-jev in raznolike spominke.
Disney me je vedno fasciniral s klasičnimi risankami, ampak to ni klasična Disney, zdi se veliko bol delo Pixar-ja ali DreamWorks-a.
Zgodba je klasičn, princesa zaklenjena v stolpu, ki jo reši princ, oops žal mi je rešil jo je lopov, dolge blond lase, bla, bla, bla. Skratka, klasična pravljica.
Kar me je očaralo v risanki je dialog in kako liki med seboj sodelujejo s svetom ki jih obkroža. Pa sem si že mislil, da je samo še en film za otroke mlajše od 10 let, vendar sem se motil, in skoraj umrl od smeha.
Igralci ki so posodil svoj glas za junake te risanke so Mandy Moore (Scrubs), Zac Levi (Chuck), Ron Perlman (Hellboy).
Mala radovednost film ta vikend je zaslužil skoraj 70 milijonov dolarjev, kar je zelo blizu uspehu Harryja Potterja, ki pa je bil najbolj gledan filem ta konec tedna.
Zgodba je klasičn, princesa zaklenjena v stolpu, ki jo reši princ, oops žal mi je rešil jo je lopov, dolge blond lase, bla, bla, bla. Skratka, klasična pravljica.
Kar me je očaralo v risanki je dialog in kako liki med seboj sodelujejo s svetom ki jih obkroža. Pa sem si že mislil, da je samo še en film za otroke mlajše od 10 let, vendar sem se motil, in skoraj umrl od smeha.
Igralci ki so posodil svoj glas za junake te risanke so Mandy Moore (Scrubs), Zac Levi (Chuck), Ron Perlman (Hellboy).
Mala radovednost film ta vikend je zaslužil skoraj 70 milijonov dolarjev, kar je zelo blizu uspehu Harryja Potterja, ki pa je bil najbolj gledan filem ta konec tedna.
Film je na voljo tudi v 3D.
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