RATING: 5.0 Go to the pub and take a beer
For those who have already seen PA1 you already know what is all about. I will not reveal you the movie plot (even if you can imagine it), but I will simply tell you that this flick was the most boring movie than I ever saw in my life. If PA1was quite brilliant, I would say that PA2 is just a Paranormal Waste of Time!
Where to start, first I think they did it just to ride the wave success obtained from the first episode just to earn some extra money. The whole movie seems done in haste and fury, in a way so weird, trying to link the two stories, that it seems a b movie. It’s not like in SAW, even if they pull it for long, at least the story is well-connected and seems to follow the logic of the movie.
As second I was shocked to see that for about an hour and twenty three minutes didn’t happened absolutely, nothing then in ten seconds it was all over.
PA1 fascinated me even if I was expecting a crap movie, but I must confess that at the end I almost died of fear. The flick had a plot that scale during the whole movie, until it reached the final catharsis.
In PA2 there’s absolute nothing to see, maybe two or three scenes to be saved, but nothing more.
I'm sorry to say but PA2 isn’t worth a penny, what you had to see it’s was already seen in the first episode; they just wanted to make money here. And unfortunately it will be also a PA3.
If you want to waste money, go and see it. But you will be disappointed. Mickey Mouse is far scariest!
For those who have already seen PA1 you already know what is all about. I will not reveal you the movie plot (even if you can imagine it), but I will simply tell you that this flick was the most boring movie than I ever saw in my life. If PA1was quite brilliant, I would say that PA2 is just a Paranormal Waste of Time!
Where to start, first I think they did it just to ride the wave success obtained from the first episode just to earn some extra money. The whole movie seems done in haste and fury, in a way so weird, trying to link the two stories, that it seems a b movie. It’s not like in SAW, even if they pull it for long, at least the story is well-connected and seems to follow the logic of the movie.
As second I was shocked to see that for about an hour and twenty three minutes didn’t happened absolutely, nothing then in ten seconds it was all over.
PA1 fascinated me even if I was expecting a crap movie, but I must confess that at the end I almost died of fear. The flick had a plot that scale during the whole movie, until it reached the final catharsis.
In PA2 there’s absolute nothing to see, maybe two or three scenes to be saved, but nothing more.
I'm sorry to say but PA2 isn’t worth a penny, what you had to see it’s was already seen in the first episode; they just wanted to make money here. And unfortunately it will be also a PA3.
If you want to waste money, go and see it. But you will be disappointed. Mickey Mouse is far scariest!
Paranormal Activity 2 ali Paranormalna izguba časa?
Paranormal Activity 2 ali Paranormalna izguba časa?
Ocena: 5,0 Pojdite raje na pivo
Za tiste ki ste že videli PA1 veste dobro o čem se gre vse skupaj. Ne bom vam razkril zgodbe(tudi če si lahko predstavljate), vendar vam povem, da filem je eden izmed najbolj dolgočasnih kar sem jih v zadnjem času videl. Če PA1 se je zdel briljanten, bi rekel da je le PA2 le ena velika Paranormalna izguba časa!
Kje začeti, najprej mislim, da so PA2 posneli na valu pridobljenega uspeha prvega dela, samo zato da zaslužijo še nekaj dodatnega denarja. Celoten film deluje posnet v naglici, na nek način tako ˝čudno˝ poskuša povezati obe zgodbi zgodbi iz PA1 in2, da na trenutke deluje amatersko. Ni kot pri SAW, tudi če je zelo razvlečen kot serija filmov,vendar zgodba deluje dobro povezana tako se da slediti logiki filma.
Kot drugo sem bil šokiran ko sem ugotovil da se za približno uro in triindvajset minut se ni zgodilo popolnoma nič, na karv desetih sekundah je bilo vsega konec.
PA1 me je navdušil, čeprav sem pričakoval kaj dosti odfilm, vendar moram priznati da na koncu sem skoraj umrl od strahu. Filmska zgodba se lepo stopnjuje čez celoten čas predvajanja, dokler ne doseže končno katarzo.
V PA2 nimamo absolutno ničesar kaj videti, morda dva ali tri prizore lahko rešimo, vendar je to tudi vse.
Žal mi je za povedati, vendar PA2 ni vreden niti centa, kar je bilo potrebno videti smo že videli v prvem delu; tukaj resnično so želeli samo še nekaj zaslužiti. In na žalost prihaja tudi PA3.
Če imate viška denarja, si ga pojdite ogledat, vendar boste ostal razočarani. Micky Miška je dosti bolj strašna.
Paranormal activity 2 o Perdita' di tempo Paranormale
Per chi ha guardato PA1 sa gia' praticamente di cosa si tratta. Non vi svelero la storia (anche se si puo immaginare), ma semplicemente vi diro che film piu' noioso di questo e proprio difficile trovarlo. Se posso dire con tranquillita' che PA1 era geniale, PA2 non saprei come definirlo, una PARANORMALE PERDITA DI TEMPO!
Come primo, credo che lo abbiano fatto solo per cavalcare l'onda di successo ottenuta dal primo episodio e guadagnare cosi ancora qualche soldo. L'intero film mi sembra fatto in fretta e' furia, cercano in un modo cosi strampalato di collegare le due storie che sembra un film di serie Z. Non e' come per esempio SAW che, anche se la tirano per le lunge, la storia almeno quella, e' ben collegata e logica.
Come secondo sono rimasto scioccato nel vedere che per circa un'ora e venti tre minuti non e' successo niente, poi in dieci secondi e' finito tutto.
PA1 mi ha affascinato, mi aspettavo una schifezza invece mi e' piaciuto da morire di paura. Aveva una trama che scalava durante tutto il film, fino ad arrivare alla catarsi finale.
In PA2 c'e' il nulla piu' assoluto, forse due o tre scene da salvare, ma e' anche tutto.
Mi dispiace dirlo ma PA2 non merita due soldi, quello che si doveva vedere si e' visto nel primo episodio, qua hanno voluto solo fare soldi. E purtroppo faranno anche PA3.
Se volete sprecare dei soldi andate a vederlo, ma ne rimarrete delusi. Fa piu'paura Topolino.
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