In fact, in January will be released the new film starring Nicolas Cage. The movie is set in the late Middle Ages and Nicolas Cage stars as a knight and ex-crusader, he’s new work is to escort a girl accused of witchcraft. The trip to the monastery where the process should take place soon became more difficult than expected because during the travel, the girl turns out to be the devil himself.
The flick is director by Domenic Sena, which in the past has already made a movie with Nicolas Cage, Gone in 60 seconds. The work is very interesting, both for history and for the scenery, at least from what we can glimpse in the trailer, reminds me of an already seen movie The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco and starring Sean Connery. The other actors are Ron Perlman (Hellboy), Christopher Lee (Lord of the Rings, Star Wars).
Nicolas Cage & The Evil Girl |
V januarju se začne lov na čarovnice
Dejansko bo v januarju izšel nov film v katerem bo igral glavno vlogo Nicolas Cage. Film je postavljen v pozen srednji vek, kjer najdemo Nicolasa Cagea v vlogi viteza in bivšega Križarja zadolženega za spremstsvo dekleta, obtoženega čarovništva. Pot do samostana kjer bi moralo potekati sojenje dekletu, kmalu postalo težje kot je bilo pričakovano, saj med potovanjem, se dekle izkaže da je sam hudič.
Direktor celovečerca je Domenic Sena, ki je v preteklosti že sodeloval z Nicolasom Cageom, v filmu Gone in 60 sekund. Tako scenarji kakor tudi scenografija delujeta zelo zanimivi in učinkoviti, vsaj od tega kar se lahko vidi v samem trailerju filma, sam filem pa me spominja na že dobro znan filem The Name of the Rose od Umberta Eca glavno vlogo igra Sean Connery. Med ostalimi igralci najdemo Rona Perlmana (Hellboy) ter Christopherja Leeja (Lord of the Rings, Star Wars).
Nicolas Cage |
A gennaio inizia la caccia alle streghe
Infatti a gennaio uscira nelle sale la nuova pellicola interpretata da Nicolas Cage. Il film e' ambientato alla fine del Medioevo e Nicolas Cage che interpreta il ruolo di un cavaliere ed ex-crociato, viene incaricato di scortare un ragazza accusata di stregoneria. Il viaggio verso il monastero dove dovrebbe avere luogo il processo si rivela ben presto piu' arduo del previsto, infatti durante il viaggio la ragazza si rivela essere il demonio in persona.
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