Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mark Wahlberg as did Stallone in Rocky

Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale are two actors who I have always admired because they give that depth to the characters they play. At last we can see them work together in this drama directed by David O. Russell (Three Kings). The film is the true story of boxer ˝Irish˝ Mickey  Ward starring Mark Wahlberg, who with the help of his brother former boxer and prisoner, Dicky Eklund played by Christian Bale, tries to get the chance' to compete for world title. The movie is expected for December 10 in the US and will arrive in Europe somewhere around February.


Mark Wahlberg kot Stallone v Rocky

Mark Wahlberg in Christian Bale sta dva filmska igralca katera sem vedno občudoval, ker so vedno uspeli dati poseben značaj svojim vlogam v filmih. Končno ju bomo lahko videli skupaj v tej drami režiserja David O. Russell (Three Kings). Film je resnična zgodba o bokserju Mickey ˝Irish˝ Ward katerega igra Mark Wahlberg, ki s pomočjo svojega brata, nekdanji boksar in zapornik Dicky Eklund igra ga Christian Bale, poskuša dobiti možnost da tekmuje za naslov svetovnega prvaka.
 Film bo predvidoma izšel v 10. decemba v ZDA in bo prispel v Evropo nekje okoli februarja.

Wahlberg come Stallone in Rocky

Mark Wahlberg e Christian Bale sono due attori che ho sempre ammirato perche' riescono a dare quella profondita' ai personaggi che interpretano. Finalmente gli vediamo anche lavorare insieme in questo dramma diretto da David O. Russell (Three Kings). La pellicola e' tratta dalla storia vera, del pugile Mickey ˝Irish˝ Ward interpretato da Mark Wahlberg, che con l'aiuto del fratello ex pugile e carceato, Dicky Eklund interpretato da Christian Bale, cerca di ottenere la possibilita' di competere per il titolo mondiale.
Il film e' in uscita il 10 dicembre negli USA e approdera in Europa verso febbraio.


A world led by the church? It’s possible: Here's Priest

For those that wondered how the world looked in the medieval period, here's the answer, Priest. The film is a post-apocalyptic thriller Sci-Fi flick, set in an alternate world, where’s on course the perennial war between men and vampires. The main actor Paul Bettany (The DaVinci Code), which plays the role of the priest that after the abduction by the vampires of his daughter, began the war that will soon become hunting. In this vampire hunting is accompanied by his daughter's boyfriend, a role played by Cam Gigandet (Twilight) and a former priestess played by Maggie Q (MI-3, Die Hard). The film will be released in theaters June 6, 2011. The film was scheduled for 2010, but since it was not in 3D, we will have to wait until 2011 so that they finish the re-assembly in 3D. !!!@#ck


Svet pod vodstvom cerkve? Se da: tukaj je Priest

Za vse tiste ki so se spraševali kako je svet zgledal v obdobju srednjega veka, tukaj je odgovor, Priest. Film je post-apokaliptični Sci-Fi triler, postavljen v alternativni svet, kjer je v teku že večletna  vojna med človeštvom in vampirji. Glavni igralec Paul Bettany (The DaVinci Code), in igra vlogo duhovnika, ki po ugrabitvi hčerke z strani vampirjev, je začel vojno, ki bo kmalu postala lov. V ta lov na vampirje se poda skupaj s fantom svoje hčerke, vlogo igra Cam Gigandet (Twilight)  in nekdanjo svečenico ki jo igra Maggie Q  (MI-3, Die Hard)Celovečerec je predviden za 6. junij 2011.Film je bil predviden za letošnje leto, ker pa ni bil v 3D, bomo morali počakati do leta 2011, po končani  3D produkciji.

Un mondo guidato dalla chiesa? Si puo' fare: Ecco Priest

Per tutti quelli she si sono chiesti come sembrava il mondo medioevale, ecco la risposta Priest. La pellicola e' un triller Sci-FI post-apocalittico ed ambientata in un mondo alternativo, dove e' in corso la perenne guerra tra uomini e vampiri. L'attore principale e' Paul Bettany(The Davinci Code) che interpreta il ruolo del prete, che dopo il rapimento da parte dei vampiri di sua figlia, inizia la propria guerra che diventera ben presto una caccia ossesiva. In questa caccia al vampiro viene accompagnato dal fidanzato della figlia, ruolo interpretato da Cam Gigandet  (Twilight)e una ex sacerdotessa interpretata da Maggie Q (MI-3, Die Hard) Il film uscira nelle sale il 6 giugno 2011.Il film era previsto per il 2010, ma visto che non era in 3D, dovremo aspettare il 2011 che finiscano il rimontaggio in 3D. 


Paul Bettany

Maggie Q

Maggie Q

Cam Gigandet

Cam Gigandet

Addio a Mario Monicelli - Goodbye Mario Monicelli

E' morto all'eta' di 95 anni il regista. Purtroppo non e' morto per cause naturali, ma  si e' lanciato dal quarto o quinto piano dall'ospedale nel quale era ricoverato.

Mario Monicelli era da tutti chiamato il padre della commedia all'italiana, tra le sue opere ricordiamo, Guardie e Ladri con Toto`, I
Soliti Ignoti nominato per l'Oscar, La Grande Guerra vincitore del Leone d'oro a Venezia. In questi giorni era in corso a New York la presentazione della retrospettiva sul cinema neorealista italiano, dove veniva presentato Risate di Gioia con Anna Magnani.

Addio ad un altro Grande del cinema italiano. Riposa in pace. 


It died at the age' of 95. Unfortunately not of natural causes, but he kill himself by jumping out of the fourth or fifth floor of the hospital where he was hospitalized.

Mario Monicelli was known by everyone as the father of Italian comedy, we will remember him for movies such, Guardie e Ladri with Toto`, Usual Suspects nominated for the Oscar and The Great War winner of the  Golden Lion in Venice. In these days was taking place in New York a presentation of a retrospective on the Italian neorealist cinema, where it was presented Risate di Gioia with Anna Magnani.

Goodbye to another great Italian film maker.  Rest in peace.


V 95 letustarosti je umrl režiser Mario Monicelli. Na žalost ne zaradi naravnih vzrokov, vendar je svoje življenje predčasno prekinil s skokom iz četrtega ali petega nadstropja bolnišnice, kjer je bil hospitaliziran.

Mario Monicelli je bil znan vsem kot oče italijanske komedije, in se ga bomo za vedno spominjali za filme kot so, Guardie e Ladri z Toto-jem, Osumljenih Pet nominiran za oskarja in Velika Vojna dobitnik zlatega leva v Benetkah. V teh dneh se je odvijala v New Yorku predstavitev retrospektiva italijanskega neorealističnega filma, kjer so predstavlili Risate di Gioia z Anno Magnani.

 Od nas se je poslovil še en odličen italijanski filmski producent. Počivaj v miru.

Monday, November 29, 2010

And here comes the new Disney cartoon - In tukaj prihaja nova risanka Disney


It’s almost obvious that under Christmas we see coming out many cartoons, I do not want to be polemical, but we all know that this is the best times in the year to sell DVD’s and get various gadgets.
Disney has always amazed me with classic cartoons, well this is not a classic Disney, indeed it seems a lot more a work of Pixar or DreamWorks cartoon makers.
History is a classical one, the princess in the tower, which is saved by a prince, oops, sorry saved by a bandit, long blonde hair, blah, blah, blah. In short, the classic fairy tale.
What fascinated me is the dialogue, the characters and how they interact with the world around them. I thought it was just another movie for children under 10 years, but I was wrong, it almost made me die laughing.
The actors who have lent their voice to the cartoon characters are Mandy Moore (Scrubs), Zac Levi (Chuck), Ron Perlman (Hellboy).

Small curiosity: the film this weekend grossed nearly 70 million dollars, almost succeeding Harry Potter in the most viewed this week end. The movie is also available in 3D.


Ocena: 7,5

To je skoraj že običaj da pod božič vidimo prihod številnih risank na velike zaslone, ne želim biti polemičen, vendar vsi vemo, da je to najboljši čas v letu za prodajo DVD-jev in raznolike spominke.
Disney me je vedno fasciniral s klasičnimi risankami, ampak to ni klasična Disney, zdi se veliko bol delo Pixar-ja ali DreamWorks-a.
Zgodba je klasičn, princesa zaklenjena v stolpu, ki jo reši princ, oops žal mi je rešil jo je lopov, dolge blond lase, bla, bla, bla. Skratka, klasična pravljica.
Kar me je očaralo v risanki je dialog in kako liki med seboj sodelujejo s svetom ki jih obkroža. Pa sem si že mislil, da je samo še en film za otroke mlajše od 10 let, vendar sem se motil, in skoraj umrl od smeha.
Igralci ki so posodil svoj glas za junake te risanke so Mandy Moore (Scrubs), Zac Levi (Chuck), Ron Perlman (Hellboy).

Mala radovednost film ta vikend je zaslužil skoraj 70 milijonov dolarjev, kar je zelo blizu uspehu Harryja Potterja, ki pa je bil najbolj gledan filem ta konec tedna.
 Film je na voljo tudi v 3D.

Official site:

Good bye Leslie Nilsen 1926 – 2010

It died at the age of 84, the comic actor Leslie Nilsen, due to complications following pneumonia.

Leslie Nilsen icon of 80's comedy flicks, made us laugh with movie serie The Naked Gun and movies such as Mr. Magoo, Spy Hard and Airplane.


Je umrl v 84 letu starosti, komični igralec Leslie Nilsen, zaradi zapletov po pljučnici.

Leslie Nilsen ikona komediji iz 80-ih, z filmi kakor The Naked Gun, Mr Magoo, Spy Hard in Airplane.

Harry Potter 7

Rating: 7
In the previous chapters of the Harry Potter saga I’ve had the feeling that it was really all very childish, but in the first part of the last chapter, things change.

In fact, the film Harry Potter and the Deadly Hollows is presented as a more engaged work than the previous films, the separation is obvious, it seem to me that the characters are indeed far more complete and appropriate for adults rather than for children. Perhaps the fact that the film is set outside Hogwarts, the school of the magic, has simplified things. In the new frame the characters are presented as fugitives in a world that is hostile to them. Voldemort, the villain, it seems to be everywhere and the three young protagonists seem to have the whole world against it. This factor helps to grow the characters. Then it must be said that director David Yates builds a world around them in the colors of winter, desperate situations, clashes of character and tone much more fitting a horror film. Thus paints a complete picture and full of nuances that make the film last two hours and forty minutes.

The entire film is focused on the three boys, played by Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) Rupert Grint (Ron) and Emma Watson (Hermione). The first two seemed to me truly out of place, somehow did not convince me as characters, they didn’t give their character the depth I would have expected. Emma Watson has been able to develop good and all the psychological aspects of her character, but she 'is not been perfect, at some point by exaggerating the psychological aspect.
My only regret is that we’ve didn’t seen all the other actors, mainly because the flick is concentrated on Harry and his friends. The other are more or less just extras in the movie.

Pulling a bit sums, Harry Potter had changed and changed much. From a child who was practicing with spells and magic, to the man that was thrown into a dark and hostile world. But it’s a bit what happens to all of us growing up.

Ocena: 7
V prejšnjih poglavjih sage Harryja Potterja  sem imel občutek, da je bilo res vse zelo otročje, ampak v prvem delu zadnjega poglavja, se stvari spremenijo.

Pravzaprav je film Harry Potter and the Deadly Hollow predstavljen kot bolj angažirano delo od prejšnjih celovečercev, in  je ločitev očitna, zdi se mi, da so igralci dejansko veliko bolj popolni in veliko bolj primerni za odrasle kot pa za otroke. Morda je dejstvo, da je film, ki je tokrat predstavljen zunaj Hogwartsa, šola magije, poenostavil stvari. V novi okvir so znaki predstavljeni kot ubežniki v svetu, ki je sovražen do njih. Voldemort tokratni zlobnež, se zdi da je povsod, tako da trije mladi glavni igralci, imajo občutek da imajo ves svet proti. Ta dejavnik krepko prispeva k rasti likov. Potem je potrebno še dodati, da režiser David Yates jim zgradi svet v barvah zime, obupanih razmer, spopadi so po značaju in tonu veliko več oprijemljajo horror filmov. Tako ustvarijo popolno sliko ki je polna odtenkov, in se zgodi da je film dolg dve uri in štirideset minut.

Celoten film se osredotoča na tri fante, ki so Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Rupert Grint (Ron) in Emma Watson (Hermiona). Prva dva, vsaj meni se je zdelo tako, me nekako nista prepričala kot lika, nista prikazala dovolj odločno svoja značaja, nista jim dala potrebne globine. Emma Watson je bila pa sposobna dobro razviti svojo vlogo in vse psihološke vidike svoje narave, ampak ona tudi ni bila ravno popolna, na nekaterih točkah je pretiravala s psihološkim pridihom.
Obžalujem in pogrešam, da jih nismo videli vse druge akterje v filmu, ker je tudi normalo saj je celovečerc  osredotočen na Harryja in na njegove prijatelji. Drugi so bolj ali manj le statisti.

tako da za zaključek se je Harry Potter spremenil, in to kar veliko spremenil. Od otroka, ki je vadil z uroki in čarovništvom, v moža ki je bil vržen v temno in njeu ne ravno naklonjenemu svetu. Ampak to je ravno to kar se zgodi vsem nam, odraščanje.

Cinema Review

Friday, November 26, 2010

I hate 3D movies

Over the past decade, we’ve seen the exponentially grown of films released in 3D technology.Growth that culminated with the release of James Cameron's flick Avatar.
Now we have reached the point where ˝good or bad˝ all the films are shot in 3D, or are subsequently in post-production turned into this kind of movie genre, if you can talk about movie genre.
And it was not invented this year.Yeah, cause 3D movies are not an invention of today, but of 80 years ago, the first 3D movies have been filmed and screened back in 1922 (The Power of Love). But we can say that the early works are really some bad efforts of 3D technology, some quality 3D movies have been done in 1950. But due to the high costs, poor quality and only a few theaters capable of showing this type of film, 3D has remained a niche cinema until the '80s. Just in the second half 'of the '80s with the advent of IMAX, and with the collaboration of Disney and Universal we can speak of a massive use of 3D, even if it was not used for films, but for tourist attractions and for fascinate the children  in the amusement parks of Disney. From 1980 to 2000, the 3D has always remained a bit aloof, but things were about to change.
1922 3D Projektor
In 2003, James Cameron releases the first real movie shot entirely in 3D technology, Ghost of the Abyss, and many others have followed. So today it has become a problem to find a ˝ordinary movie˝, that means those films in 2D we used to see before Avatar. It is obvious that I’m not a big fan of 3D, well maybe because I have to wear those stupid glasses, and it is very uncomfortable to put on 3D glasses when you already wear your own. According to the 3D movies that we are watching this days in theaters, is not that it is the ultimate generation of quality to be honest, and it makes me a headache. I prefer the old-fashioned cinema in high definition.

3D movie in the last 10 years

V zadnjem desetletju, smo videli eksponentno rast filmov posnetih v 3D tehnologiji.
Rast ki je imela svoj vrhunec  z izidom filma Jamesa Camerona,  Avatar.
Zdaj smo dosegli točko, kjer več ali manj je večinoma filmov posnetih v 3D tehnologiji, ali so jih nato v postprodukciji spremenili v takšno zvrst. Če seveda lahko govorimo o tem da je 3D žanr. In ne glede na vse 3D tehnike niso izumli letos. Ja, 3D-filmi niso izum današnjega časa, ampak imajo svoje korenine že kar v daljnem letu 1922, kjer so bili storjeni prvi poskusi snemanja v 3D tehniki (The Power of Love). Vendar pa lahko rečemo, da so zgodnji poskusi snemanja v 3D bili bolj ali manj porazni. Kakovost se je krepko izboljšala leta 1950, toda zaradi visokih stroškov, slabe tehnologije in dejstvo da le nekatera gledališča so lahko predvajale v 3D, so filmi posneti v 3D ostali v ozadju kino produkcije do 80-ih. Samo v drugi polovici 80-ih s prihodom IMAX-a, in v sodelovanju z Disney in Universal lahko govorimo o množični uporabi 3D tehnike, tudi če ni bila uporabljena za filme, ampak za turistične zanimivosti in zato da očara otroke v zabaviščno tematskih parkih Disneya. Od leta 1980 do 2000, je 3D še vedno ostal zgolj tržna niša nizko proračunskih produkciji, vendar stvari so se kmalu spremenile.

Leta 2003 je James Cameron javnosti predstavil prvi pravi v celoti posnet film v 3D tehnologiji, Ghost of the Abyss, in temu filmu so sledili mnogi drugi. Torej, danes je postal kar resen problem najti ˝navadne˝ filme, kar pomeni, filmi v 2D kakršne smo bili vajeni videti pred Avatarjem. Očitno je, da nisem velik oboževalec 3D tehnologije, morda zato ker sem moral nositi tista neumna očala, kar je zelo neprijetno če imaš že svoja.
Po 3D-kino predstavah, ki sem jih gledal v zadnjih dveh letih, moram priznati da me je slaba kakovost posnetkov kar presenetila in če sem  pošten, mi 3D povzroča glavobole.
Raje kot 3D, oldschool movies v visoki ločljivosti.

James Cameron & Steven Spielberg

Stephen King Top 10

Stephen King
Also this year, as every year, the magazine Entertainment Weekly publishes the 2010 top 10 favorite movies of Stephen King. Even this year Stephen King has shown that he knows ˝something˝ about movies, but let’s see his ranking:



1.       Let Me In (Horror)
2.       The Town (Action - Thriller)
3.       Inception (Action)
4.       The Social Network (Biography – Drama)
5.       Takers (Action – Crime)
6.       KickAss (Action – Comedy)
7.       Splice (Drama – Sci-Fi)
8.       Monsters (Sci-Fi – Drama)
9.       Jackass 3D (Jackass)
10.   Green Zone (Action – Drama)

Obviously the first place is a horror movie, and I can go with this. But that Splice is in seventh place and The Social Network flick is in fourth leaves me rather perplexed. I do not think that these movies are for any charts.


Stephen King Top 10

Stephen King
Tudi letos, kot vsako leto, je revija Entertainment Weekly objavlja Top 10 najljubših filmov  Stephena Kinga za leto 2010. Tudi letos je Stephen King pokazal, da ima vsaj ˝nekaj znanja˝  o filmih, pa da vidimo njegovo razvrstitev:

1.        Let Me In (Horror)
2.       The Town (Action - Thriller)
3.       Inception (Action)
4.       The Social Network (Biography – Drama)
5.       Takers (Action – Crime)
6.       KickAss (Action – Comedy)
7.       Splice (Drama – Sci-Fi)
8.       Monsters (Sci-Fi – Drama)
9.       Jackass 3D (Jackass)
10.   Green Zone (Action – Drama)

Očitno je bilo, da se bo na prvem mestu  znašla grozljivka, kar ni niti tako napačno. Ampak to da je  Splice  na sedmem mestu in Social Network na četrtem me zapusti kar nekoliko razočaranega. Ne verjamem, da so ti filmi za kakršnokoli lestvico.