Studio: CBS Films
Release: January 28, 2011
Director: Simon West
Writer: Karl Gajdusek
Cast: Jason Statham, Ben Foster, Donald Sutherland, Christa Campbell, Tony Goldwyn
Genre: Action, Drama
Rating: 6.5
Another Hollywood remake, this time an action movie of 1972 with Charles Bronson, The Mechanic. The remake this time is starring Jason Statham and Ben Foster and is directed by Simon West (Con Air, Tomb Raider). The film is the story of the perfect hit man, silent, without conscience, without morality and his drifted apprentice.
The flick is a old-fashioned action movie, no romance or moral teaching, just go and' kill for the entire duration of the movie. Admittedly, the mere fact that the action can keep the pace up for two hours, without intrinsic stories is worth the money of the ticket. However you want to put this movie it does not present anything new, because it recalls the previous Statham series The Transporter, and it’s for this reason that throughout the film you have the feeling of having it already seen. The story itself has many gaps, and there are parts of the story that are left to chance, as if they want to make the viewer choose why this or that happened.
The Mechanic is still a movie to watch, just for the simple fact that is an action pumped with steroid. But do not expect more.
Another Hollywood remake, this time an action movie of 1972 with Charles Bronson, The Mechanic. The remake this time is starring Jason Statham and Ben Foster and is directed by Simon West (Con Air, Tomb Raider). The film is the story of the perfect hit man, silent, without conscience, without morality and his drifted apprentice.
The flick is a old-fashioned action movie, no romance or moral teaching, just go and' kill for the entire duration of the movie. Admittedly, the mere fact that the action can keep the pace up for two hours, without intrinsic stories is worth the money of the ticket. However you want to put this movie it does not present anything new, because it recalls the previous Statham series The Transporter, and it’s for this reason that throughout the film you have the feeling of having it already seen. The story itself has many gaps, and there are parts of the story that are left to chance, as if they want to make the viewer choose why this or that happened.
The Mechanic is still a movie to watch, just for the simple fact that is an action pumped with steroid. But do not expect more.
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Jason Statham |
Voto: 6,5
Altro remake per Hollywood, questa volta un film d’azione del 1972 con Charles Bronson, The Mechanic. Il riadattamento e’ interpretato da Jason Statham e Ben Foster, per la regia di Simon West (Con Air, Tomb Raider). Il film tratta la storia del perfetto assasino, silenzioso, senza coscienza, senza morale e del suo apprendista un po sbandato.
Il film e’ un classico action movie alla vecchia maniera, niente storie d’amore o maralismi, un semplice vai e’ uccidi e per tutta la durata del film. Bisogna ammetterlo, il solo fatto che riesca a tenere il ritmo dell’azione alto per ben due ore, senza storie intrinseche, vale i soldi del biglietto. Pero’ comunque la si voglia mettere il film non presenta nulla di nuovo, perche’ ricorda moltissimo la serie The Transporter, ed e’ per questo motivo che per tutto il film si ha la sensazione di averlo gia visto. Anche la storia di per se ha molte lacune, infatti ci sono parti della storia che vengono un po lasciate al caso, come se si volesse far scegliere allo spettatore perche’ e’ successo questo o quello.
The Mechanic rimane comunque un film da vedere, se non altro per il semplice fatto che pompato di steroidi per l’azione. Ma non aspettatevi altro.
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Ben Foster |
Ocena: 6,5
Še en remake Hollywooda, tokrat akcijski film iz leta 1972 s Charles Bronsonom, The Mechanic. Remake ima tokrat v glavnih vlogah Jasona Stathama in Ben Fosterja film pa je režiral Simon West (Con Air, Tomb Raider). Film je zgodba o popolnemu morilcu, tihi, brez vesti, brez morale in njegovega malo raztresenega vajeneca.
Celovečerec je tipičen staromodni akcijski film, nima nobene romantične zgodbe ali morale, samo pojdi in ubiji za celotno trajanje filma. Zgolj dejstvo, da lahko drži tak tempo dve uri, brez drugih zgodb je vreden denarja vstopnice. Vendar pa kakor jo obrenmo The Mechanic ne predstavlja nič novega, saj spominja na prejšnje vloge Jasona Stathama kot naprimer Transporter, in zaradi tega se skozi celoten film ima občutek kot da si film že videl oziroma da je nekakšno nadaljevanje. Zgodba sama ima nekaj pomanjklivosti, ki so prepuščeno naključju, kot da so želeli da bi gledalec se odločil zakaj se je kaj zgodilo.
The Mechanic je še vedno film vreden ogleda, že zaradi preprostega dejstva da je to akcijski film napumpan z steroidi. Toda ne pričakujte več.
Še en remake Hollywooda, tokrat akcijski film iz leta 1972 s Charles Bronsonom, The Mechanic. Remake ima tokrat v glavnih vlogah Jasona Stathama in Ben Fosterja film pa je režiral Simon West (Con Air, Tomb Raider). Film je zgodba o popolnemu morilcu, tihi, brez vesti, brez morale in njegovega malo raztresenega vajeneca.
Celovečerec je tipičen staromodni akcijski film, nima nobene romantične zgodbe ali morale, samo pojdi in ubiji za celotno trajanje filma. Zgolj dejstvo, da lahko drži tak tempo dve uri, brez drugih zgodb je vreden denarja vstopnice. Vendar pa kakor jo obrenmo The Mechanic ne predstavlja nič novega, saj spominja na prejšnje vloge Jasona Stathama kot naprimer Transporter, in zaradi tega se skozi celoten film ima občutek kot da si film že videl oziroma da je nekakšno nadaljevanje. Zgodba sama ima nekaj pomanjklivosti, ki so prepuščeno naključju, kot da so želeli da bi gledalec se odločil zakaj se je kaj zgodilo.
The Mechanic je še vedno film vreden ogleda, že zaradi preprostega dejstva da je to akcijski film napumpan z steroidi. Toda ne pričakujte več.
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Jason Statham & Ben Foster |