Why I Have the impression that I had already seen this movie??? Oh yeah, I'm Legend with Will Smith or if you want Last Man on Earth with Vincent Price. The budeget is perhaps the most interesting thing about this movie, 10 million dollars.
The movie is directed by Brad Anderson (The Machinist, Transibirian), it seems more a adaptation of a story already seen, which surprised me, because Brad Andersom has always tried to bring on the big screen new things. The fact is, that Vanishing on 7th Street will be released in theaters in February, after a post production of a year and a half. The cast includes (but there are just a few actors) Thandie Newton (MI2, 2012, The Pursuit of Happiness), Hayden Christensen (Star Wars II and III, Jumper) and John Leguizamo (Ice Age – Sid, Assault on Precinct 13, Spun). We just have to wait and see if this one is better then the the two mentioned above. I think not.
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Hayden Christensen |
Il film diretto da Brad Anderson (The Machinist, Transibirian), sembra piu' un riadattamento di una storia gia' vista, il che mi sorprende visto che come regista ha sempre cercato di portare sul grande schermo cose nuove. Sta di fatto che Vanishing on 7th Street uscira' nei cinema a febbraio dopo una post produzione di un anno e mezzo. Il cast comprende (ma ci sono comunque pochi attori vista la tematica) Thandie Newton (MI2, 2012, The Pursuit of Happyness), Hayden Christensen (Star Wars II e III, Jumper) e John Leguizamo (Ice Age – Sid, Assault on Precinct 13, Spun).
Non resta che aspettare e vedere se e' migliore dei due citati sopra. Non credo.
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Thandie Newton |
Zakaj imam občutek da sem že videl ta film?? Oh ja, I'm Legend z Will Smithom, ali če želite Last Man on Earth z Vincent Price. Filmski budeget je morda najbolj zanimiva stvar pri tem filmu, 10 milijonov dolarjev.
Film je režiral Brad Anderson (The Machinist, Transibirian), in se zdi bolj adaptacija zgodbe ki smo jo že videli, kar me je iskreno rečeno presenetilo, saj je Brad Andersn vedno do zdaj poskušal prinesti da na velike zaslone nove in sveže stvari. Dejstvo je da bo Vanishing on 7th Street prišel v kino dvorane v februarju, potem ko so porabili za post produkcijo skoraj leto in pol. Igralska zasedba vključuje Thandie Newton (MI2, 2012, The Pursuit of Happyness), Hayden Christensen (Star Wars II in III, Jumper) in John Leguizamo (Ice Age - Sid, Assault on Precinct 13, Spun). Počakati bomo morali in videti kako bo ali bo boljši od dveh zgoraj omenjenih ali ne. Mislim, da ne.
Film je režiral Brad Anderson (The Machinist, Transibirian), in se zdi bolj adaptacija zgodbe ki smo jo že videli, kar me je iskreno rečeno presenetilo, saj je Brad Andersn vedno do zdaj poskušal prinesti da na velike zaslone nove in sveže stvari. Dejstvo je da bo Vanishing on 7th Street prišel v kino dvorane v februarju, potem ko so porabili za post produkcijo skoraj leto in pol. Igralska zasedba vključuje Thandie Newton (MI2, 2012, The Pursuit of Happyness), Hayden Christensen (Star Wars II in III, Jumper) in John Leguizamo (Ice Age - Sid, Assault on Precinct 13, Spun). Počakati bomo morali in videti kako bo ali bo boljši od dveh zgoraj omenjenih ali ne. Mislim, da ne.