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Here we approach the end of the year but 2010 is also the end of a decade. In this decade the film industry saw some technological improvements, more or less positive, HD, BluRay but above all the (re)discovered 3D technology.
What we have seen over the last ten years? A lot of junk, many sequels, many cartoons, the writers' strike ... a bit of everything in fact.
Certainly the film that above all changed the world of cinema as we know it was James Cameron's Avatar, which frankly is not a great flick. Cause ever since they began to use 3D, the directors started to think more to how will it appear rather to concentrate to the story of the movie, forgetting that is the film plot that makes a movie great. The latest was TRON: The Legacy, flat and without substance, but that is unmatched for its visual effects. So I wonder how it will be 2011 or maybe better, how it will be the next decade? My hope is that they will stop thinking that the solution for flimsy story is 3D and they will come back to the blackboard and strat writing quality screenplays again. Just think that the best films of the decade were made before the advent of 3D, The Dark Knight, Lord of the Rings, Memento, Sin City, District 9, Donnie Darko, and others. Maybe is becouse I really hate 3D, but I'm not the only one, also movie rankings are by my side . On IMDB Top Rated Titles in the 2000-2009 the first ten places are occupied by films before the advent of 3D.
What we have seen over the last ten years? A lot of junk, many sequels, many cartoons, the writers' strike ... a bit of everything in fact.
Certainly the film that above all changed the world of cinema as we know it was James Cameron's Avatar, which frankly is not a great flick. Cause ever since they began to use 3D, the directors started to think more to how will it appear rather to concentrate to the story of the movie, forgetting that is the film plot that makes a movie great. The latest was TRON: The Legacy, flat and without substance, but that is unmatched for its visual effects. So I wonder how it will be 2011 or maybe better, how it will be the next decade? My hope is that they will stop thinking that the solution for flimsy story is 3D and they will come back to the blackboard and strat writing quality screenplays again. Just think that the best films of the decade were made before the advent of 3D, The Dark Knight, Lord of the Rings, Memento, Sin City, District 9, Donnie Darko, and others. Maybe is becouse I really hate 3D, but I'm not the only one, also movie rankings are by my side . On IMDB Top Rated Titles in the 2000-2009 the first ten places are occupied by films before the advent of 3D.
Ecco che si avvicina la fine dell'anno, ma il 2010 e' anche la fine di un decennio. Decennio, che nel mondo del cinema ha portato ha parecchie novita' piu' o meno positive, l'avvento del HD, BluRay ma sopratutto la (ri)scoperta del 3D.
Cosa abbiamo visto negli ultimi dieci anni? Tanta spazzatura, tanti sequel, tanti cartoni animati, lo sciopero degli scrittori... un po di tutto insomma.
Sicuramente la pellicola che piu' ha cambiato il mondo del cinema e come girare i film e' stata AVATAR di James Cameron, che sinceramente non e' un gran che come film. Perche' da quando hanno cominciato ad usare il 3D, si pensa piu' alla forma che alla sostanza, dimenticando pero' che e' la storia che rende grande il cinema. L'ultima tragedia si e' verificata con TRON: The Legacy, film piatto e senza sostanza, ma che a effetti visivi non ha pari. Quindi mi domando come sara' il 2011 o meglio il prossimo decennio? Il mio augurio e' che la smettano di pensare al 3D come soluzione ad una storia inconsistente e che tornino a scrivere sceneggiature di qualita'. Basta solo pensare che i migliori film del decennio sono antecedenti all'avvento del 3D, The Dark Knight, Lord of the Rings, Memento, Sin City, District 9, Donnie Darko ed altri. Saro' un po di parte, perche' il 3D proprio non lo sopporto, ma non sono l'unico e anche le classifiche mi danno ragione. Su IMDB nella sezione 2000-2009 Top Rated Titles i primi dieci posti sono occupati da pellicole antecedenti all'avvento del 3D.
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Bližamo se koncu leta vendar je 2010 tudi konec desetletja. V tem desetletju je filmska industrija videla kar nekaj tehnoloških izboljšav, nekatere so bile pozitivne druge nekoliko manj, HD, BluRay predvsem ponovno odkrita 3D tehnologija.
Kaj smo videli v zadnjih desetih letih? Veliko smeti, veliko filmskih nadaljevanj, veliko risank, stavka hollywoodskih pisateljev ... iskreno povedano kar veliko tega.
Zagotovo film ki je korenito spremenil svet kinematografije, je kot vemo bil dolgoletni pričakovani vrhunec Jamesa Camerona Avatar, ki odkrito rečeno bil kar veliko razočaranje. Vzrok je enostaven, odkar so začeli uporabljati 3D se režiserji raje osredotočajo na formo filma kakor pa na samo zgodbo, pozabili pa da je zgodba tista ki naredi izjemen film, ne pa nasprotno. Zadnja polomija je TRON: The Legacy, raven in brez vsebine ampak je neprimerljivo dober kar zadeva vizualnih efektov. Torej se sprašujem, kako bo videti 2011 ali morda bolje, kako bo v naslednjem desetletju? Upam, da bodo prenehali razmišljati, da je rešitev za šibeko zgodbo 3D in se bodo nazaj vsedli za pisalno mizo ter začli pisati kakovostne scenarije. Samo pomislite, da so najboljši celovečerci tega desetletja izšli pred prihodom 3D snemanjem: The Dark Knight, Lord of the Rings Donnie Darko, Memento, Sin City, District 9, in drugi. Mogoče sem malo pristranki, ker resnično ne maram 3Dja, vendar nisem edini, tudi filmske lestvice anjboljših so na moji strani. Na IMDBjevi Top Rated lestvici za obdobje 2000-2009, so na prvih desetih mestih filmi ki so bili narejeni pred začetkom masovne uporabe 3D tehnike.
Kaj smo videli v zadnjih desetih letih? Veliko smeti, veliko filmskih nadaljevanj, veliko risank, stavka hollywoodskih pisateljev ... iskreno povedano kar veliko tega.
Zagotovo film ki je korenito spremenil svet kinematografije, je kot vemo bil dolgoletni pričakovani vrhunec Jamesa Camerona Avatar, ki odkrito rečeno bil kar veliko razočaranje. Vzrok je enostaven, odkar so začeli uporabljati 3D se režiserji raje osredotočajo na formo filma kakor pa na samo zgodbo, pozabili pa da je zgodba tista ki naredi izjemen film, ne pa nasprotno. Zadnja polomija je TRON: The Legacy, raven in brez vsebine ampak je neprimerljivo dober kar zadeva vizualnih efektov. Torej se sprašujem, kako bo videti 2011 ali morda bolje, kako bo v naslednjem desetletju? Upam, da bodo prenehali razmišljati, da je rešitev za šibeko zgodbo 3D in se bodo nazaj vsedli za pisalno mizo ter začli pisati kakovostne scenarije. Samo pomislite, da so najboljši celovečerci tega desetletja izšli pred prihodom 3D snemanjem: The Dark Knight, Lord of the Rings Donnie Darko, Memento, Sin City, District 9, in drugi. Mogoče sem malo pristranki, ker resnično ne maram 3Dja, vendar nisem edini, tudi filmske lestvice anjboljših so na moji strani. Na IMDBjevi Top Rated lestvici za obdobje 2000-2009, so na prvih desetih mestih filmi ki so bili narejeni pred začetkom masovne uporabe 3D tehnike.
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