The year is 1348. Europe has fallen under the shadow of the Black Death. As the plague decimates all in its path, fear and superstition are rife. In this apocalyptic environment, the church is losing its grip on the people. There are rumors of a village, hidden in marshland that the plague cannot reach. There is even talk of a necromancer who leads the village and is able to bring the dead back to life. Ulric (Sean Bean), a fearsome knight, is charged by the church to investigate these rumors. He enlists the guidance of a novice monk, Osmund (Eddie Redmayne) to lead him and his band of mercenary soldiers to the marshland, but Osmund has other motives for leaving his monastery. Their journey to the village and events that unfold take them into the heart of darkness and to horrors that will put Osmunds faith in himself and his love for God to the ultimate test.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Vanishing on 7th street REVIEW
Studio: Magnet Releasing
Release: February 18, 2011
Director: Brad Anderson
Writer: Anthony Jaswinski
Cast: Hayden Christensen, Thandie Newton, John Leguizamo, Jacob Latimore
Genre: Horror, mystery, Thriller

How many re-makes have been made by Hollywood lately? Many, and most of them are of poor quality.
I'm Legend (Will Smith) re-make of the movie The Last Man on Earth passed only 4 years, and here we are offered the same story. I’ll not explain 'the plot of the flick for the simple reason that it makes no sense because, first there’s nothing new - if you've seen I'm Legend you already know what is about - as second the movie plot is as bad as it can possibly be, is flat. The actors do not communicate any emotion HaydenChristensen , Thandie Newton and John Leguizamo try their best through the whole movie, pity they fail. A major criticism, however, goes to the cine-photography, for most of the film is tremendous, so dark you cannot truly understand what is happening. There is no Action, they try to create a puzzle but many pieces are missing, and there are just a few thriller moments. It’s a bit what’s happened to The Happening with Mark Wahlberg, the film betrays widely the expectations.
Hmmm... someone has copied the homework....
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Vanishing on 7th street |
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Thandie N |
VOTO: 5/10
Ma quanti re-make fa Hollywood ultimamente? Tanti, e la maggior parte sono di pessima qualita' in tutti i sensi.
Da I'm Legend (Will Smith) film re-make della pellicola The Last Man on Earth, sono passati solo 4 anni, ed ecco che ci viene proposta la stessa storia. Non spiegero' la trama del film per il semplice motivo che non ha senso, perche' come primo non e' nulla di nuovo – se avete visto I'm Legend avete visto tutto – come secondo il film ha una storia che non appassiona, e piatta. Anche gli attori non trasmettono nessuna emozione Hayden Christensen, Thandie Newton e John Leguizamo ci provano per tutto il film, peccato che falliscano. Una delle maggiori critiche che comunque rivolgo al film e' la fotografia, per la maggior parte del film e tremenda, talmente scura che sinceramente non si riesce a capire quello che succede. Di azione non c'e' niente, si cerca di crere un puzzle ma mancano tanti pezzi, e momenti thriller sono veramente pochi. E' un po quello che e' successo a The Happening con Mark Wahlberg, il film tradisce ampiamente le aspettative.
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Hayden Christensen |
Ocena: 5 / 10
Koliko re-makeov je naredil Hollywood v zadnjem času? Mnogo, in večina od njih je slabe kakovosti.
I’m Legend (Will Smith) je re-make filma The Last Man on Earth in ot tega so minila le 4 leta, in tu nam pnujajo zopet isto zgodbo. Ne bom vam razložil zgodbe filma iz preprostega razloga ker nima smisla, ker prvič ni nič novega - če ste videli I’m Legend že veste o čem film govori - kot drugo filmska zgodba je tako slabo slabo zasnovana čeprav konceptna ideja je dobra. Igralciv filmu nam ne posredujejo nobenih čustev Hayden Christensen, Thandie Newton in John Leguizamo poskušajo to storiti čez celoten film in to po svojih najboljših močeh, škoda da jim ne uspe. Glavna kritika, vendar pa gre za samo fotografijo, večino filma je tako temna da se ne razume kaj se dogaja. Ni akcije, poskušajo ustvariti nekakšen puzzle, vendar mnogo delov manjka, in je le nekaj trenutkov ki so vredni naziva triler. Nekako je se je zgodilo to kar se je zgodilo z filmom The Happening z Mark Wahlbergom, film izneveri vsa pričakovanja.
Koliko re-makeov je naredil Hollywood v zadnjem času? Mnogo, in večina od njih je slabe kakovosti.
I’m Legend (Will Smith) je re-make filma The Last Man on Earth in ot tega so minila le 4 leta, in tu nam pnujajo zopet isto zgodbo. Ne bom vam razložil zgodbe filma iz preprostega razloga ker nima smisla, ker prvič ni nič novega - če ste videli I’m Legend že veste o čem film govori - kot drugo filmska zgodba je tako slabo slabo zasnovana čeprav konceptna ideja je dobra. Igralciv filmu nam ne posredujejo nobenih čustev Hayden Christensen, Thandie Newton in John Leguizamo poskušajo to storiti čez celoten film in to po svojih najboljših močeh, škoda da jim ne uspe. Glavna kritika, vendar pa gre za samo fotografijo, večino filma je tako temna da se ne razume kaj se dogaja. Ni akcije, poskušajo ustvariti nekakšen puzzle, vendar mnogo delov manjka, in je le nekaj trenutkov ki so vredni naziva triler. Nekako je se je zgodilo to kar se je zgodilo z filmom The Happening z Mark Wahlbergom, film izneveri vsa pričakovanja.
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Hayden Christensen |
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Info,Facts,Truth or just Entertainment.... YOU DECIDE

After only two days that is on You Tube the movie was seen by more than 200 thousand people, what does it mean? Is the desire for a global change, or there is something more?
For those unfamiliar with the Zeitgeist series (movement), the project started in 2007 by Peter Joseph with Zeitgeist: The Movie and the story’s essentially based on conspiracy theories through the myth of Jesus ‘Christ, 9/11, to arrive at the banks, multinationals and media. The second chapter is Zeitgeist: Addendum that along the lines of the first chapter continues his reflection on the various theories mentioned above, but something changes, the last part of the film is dedicated to The Venus Project (more info later in the article). In the period after the second chapter Peter Joseph founded the Zeitgeist movement (with strong ties to the Venus Project) and we arrive to today with the release of Zeitgeist: Moving Forward.
As first I have to admit that I have always been fascinated by the documentary-films that deal with this kind of subject or conspiracies. Often these theories are ridiculous, they don’t have solid foundation and lies are passed as truth (and to be honest, most of the time are more similar to Space balls), but there are rare cases in which the research work is well done and the result is 'more' convincing. This 'happened with the first installment of Peter Joseph, where various theories were ˝widely demonstrated˝ (always depends on your point of view - I did not believe to the theories presented for the simple fact that there were some major errors - but still there was at least a research work). What changes with the second chapter is the union of the Zeitgeist movement with the Venus Project founded by Jacque Fresco. But who is Jacque Fresco? Well, if you ask me a charlatan of biblical proportions, one that has not finished any school (he define his self as a self-made man - that is highlighted at the beginning of the third chapter), Jacque Fresco is a man that for thirty years lived by selling his ideas (and he does it well). The project, which he sells, is about a world based solely on technology (no money, no politics, nothing that is today common in the modern societies). The fact is, that although the basic idea is not as bad as it seems, Peter Joseph make the mistake that focuses only on this, and the result is that the movie is just a big advertisement for the Venus Project.
I'm just disappointed.
I'm just disappointed.
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Peter Joseph |
Dopo soli due giori che e' su YouTube lo hanno visto in piu' di 200mila, cosa vorra' dire questo dato? Che ce la volonta e il desiderio di un cambiamento globale, oppure c'e'qualcosa di altro?
Per chi non conoscesse la serie (movimento) Zeitgeist, il progetto nasce nel 2007 da Peter Joseph con Zeitgeist: The Movie e si basa essenzialmente su teorie cospirative passando dal mito di Gesu' Cristo all' 11 settembre, per arrivare alle banche, multinazionali e media. Il secondo capitolo e Zeitgeist: Addendum che sulla falsa riga del primo capitolo continua la propria riflessione sulle varie teorie sopra citate, pero' cambia qualcosa, l'ultima parte del film e' dedicata a The Venus Project (di cui parlero piu' in avanti). Nel periodo che passa dal secondo capitolo ad oggi Peter Joseph fonda il movimento Zeitgeist (con forti legami al Venus Project) e arriviamo cosi ad oggi con l'uscita di Zeitgeist: Moving Forward.
Come primo devo ammettere che mi hanno sempre affascinato i film-documentari che trattano questo genere, ovvero le cospirazioni. Spesso e volentieri tali teorie sono ridicole, non hanno basi solide, sono bugie che vengono spacciate per verita' (e per dirla tutta, la maggior parte delle volte sono balle spaziali), ma ci sono rari casi in cui il lavoro di ricerca e' fatto bene ed il risultato e' piu' che convincente. Questo e' capitato con il primo capitolo della serie di Peter Joseph, dove varie teorie venivano ˝ampiamente dimostrate˝ (dipende sempre dai punti di vista – io non ci ho creduto per il semplice fatto che ci sono degli errori grossolani – ma comunque e' presente un lavoro di ricerca). La cosa cambia con il secondo capitolo e l'unione del movimento Zeitgeist con il moviento Venus fondato da Jacque Fresco. Ma chi e' Jacque Fresco? Beh, se lo chiedete a me un pallonaro di proporzioni bibliche, uno che non ha finito nessuna scuola (si definisce un autodidatta – fatto che viene evidenziato all'inizio del terzo capitolo), uno che da trentanni vive del solo fatto, che vende le proprie idee (e lo fa anche bene). Il progetto che lui vende e' il seguente, un mondo basato esclusivamente sulla tecnologia (niente soldi, niente politica, niente di tutto quello che caratterizza la societa' moderna). Il fatto sta, che anche se come idea di base non e' male, Peter Joseph fa l'errore che si concentra solo su questo, il risultato e' che il film e' una grossa pubblicita' per il progetto Venus.
Sono semplicemente deluso.
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Jacque Fresco |
OCENA: 2 / 10
Po samo dveh dneh, ki je na YouTube si je film ogledalo več kot 200 tisoč ljudi, kaj to pomeni? Je to mogoče želja po svetovnih spremembah, ali je kaj več?
Za tiste, ki ne poznajo Zeitgeist serijo (gibanje), projekt se je začel v letu 2007, z Zeitgeist: The Movie katera zgodba temeli predvsem na teorijah zarote, mitu Jezusa Kristusa, 11 september, do bank, multinacionalk in medijev. Drugo poglavje je Zeitgeist: Addendum, ki po vzoru prvega poglavja nadaljuje svoje razmišljanje o različnih teorijah zarote, ampak tukaj se začnejo tudi nekatere spremembe, zadnji del filma je namenjen Projektu Venus (več informacij kasneje v članku). V obdobju takoj po drugem poglavju serije, je Peter Joseph ustanovil gibanje Zeitgeist (ki je tesno povezano z The Venus Project) in pridemo do danes ko je izšel Zeitgeist: Moving Forward.
Po samo dveh dneh, ki je na YouTube si je film ogledalo več kot 200 tisoč ljudi, kaj to pomeni? Je to mogoče želja po svetovnih spremembah, ali je kaj več?
Za tiste, ki ne poznajo Zeitgeist serijo (gibanje), projekt se je začel v letu 2007, z Zeitgeist: The Movie katera zgodba temeli predvsem na teorijah zarote, mitu Jezusa Kristusa, 11 september, do bank, multinacionalk in medijev. Drugo poglavje je Zeitgeist: Addendum, ki po vzoru prvega poglavja nadaljuje svoje razmišljanje o različnih teorijah zarote, ampak tukaj se začnejo tudi nekatere spremembe, zadnji del filma je namenjen Projektu Venus (več informacij kasneje v članku). V obdobju takoj po drugem poglavju serije, je Peter Joseph ustanovil gibanje Zeitgeist (ki je tesno povezano z The Venus Project) in pridemo do danes ko je izšel Zeitgeist: Moving Forward.
Kot prvo moram priznati, da sem bil vedno ljubitelj dokumentarnih filmov, ki se ukvarjajo s teorijami zarote. Pogosto te teorije so smešne, nimajo trdnih temeljev in laži p
Redstvijo kot resnico (in če sem iskren, večina teh filmov je zgloj dobra domišlija scenarista), vendar so primeri čeprav redki, v katerih je raziskovalno delo dobro opravljeno in rezultat je več kot prepričljiv. To se je zgodilo s prvim delom Petera Josepha, kjer so različne teorije prikazane ˝dokaj prepričljivo˝ (to je odvisna od vašega stališča – jaz jim ne verjamem zaradi preprostega dejstvo, ker je bilo nekaj večjih napak - vendar je bilo vsaj opravljeno nekakšno raziskovalno delo). Poglavitna sprememba pri drugem poglavju je zveza med gibanjem Zeitgeist ter The Venus Project katerega je ustanovitelj Jacque Fresco. Kdo pa je Jacque Fresco? No, če vprašate mene šarlatan bibličnih razsežnosti, ki ni končal nobene šole (saj se autodefinira kot samouk, dejstvo ki je izpostavljeno na začetku tretjega poglavja), Jacque Fresco je človek, ki že trideset let živi s prodajo svojih idej (in to počne očitno zelo dobro). Projekt, ki ga prodaja je o svetu, ki temelji izključno na tehnologiji (brez denarja, tu ni politike, nič od tega kar je danes običajno za sodobnie družbe). Dejstvo je, da čeprav osnovna ideja ni tako slabo kot se lahko zdi na prvi pogled, je Peter Joseph storil eno ključno napako, film se osredotoča zgolj na Frescove teorije, in rezultat je, da je film samo velika reklama za The Venus Project.
More @:
more conspiracy (more accurate and ˝realistic˝) theory @
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Instructions for use:
Go to a dealer and buy some LSD
Go to the Theater and sit in a chair
Consume the dose of LSD
Watch the film
Go to a dealer and buy some LSD
Go to the Theater and sit in a chair
Consume the dose of LSD
Watch the film
Rubber is the story of Robert, an inanimate tire that has been abandoned in the desert, and suddenly and inexplicably comes to life. As Robert roams the bleak landscape, he discovers that he possesses terrifying telepathic powers that give him the ability to destroy anything he wishes without having to move. At first content to prey on small desert creatures and various discarded objects, his attention soon turns to humans, especially a beautiful and mysterious woman who crosses his path. Leaving a swath of destruction across the desert landscape, Robert becomes a chaotic force to be reckoned with, and truly a movie villain for the ages. Directed by legendary electro musician Quentin Dupieux (Steak, Nonfilm), aka Mr. Oizo, Rubber is a smart, funny and wholly original tribute to the cinematic concept of no reason
Istruzioni per l'uso:
Andare da uno spacciatore e comprare LSD
Andare al cinema e sedersi in poltrona
Consumare la dose di LSD
Guardare il film
Rubber è la storia di Robert, un pneumatico inanimato che è stato abbandonato nel deserto, e improvvisamente e inspiegabilmente prende vita. Come Robert percorre il deserto, scopre di possedere terrificanti poteri telepatici che gli danno la capacità di distruggere tutto quello che desidera senza doversi spostare. Al primo e depredare piccole creature del deserto e vari oggetti di scarto, ben presto sposta la sua attenzione per gli esseri umani, in particolare una donna bellissima e misteriosa che incrocia il suo cammino. Lasciando una scia di distruzione in tutto il paesaggio del deserto, Robert diventa una forza caotica da non sottovalutare, e diventa veramente il cattivo piu’ cattivo dei film. Diretto dal leggendario musicista Quentin Dupieux (Steak, Nonfilm), alias Mr. Oizo, Rubber è un tributo intelligente, divertente e del tutto originale al concetto cinematografico di nessuna logica.
Navodila za uporabo:
Pojdite do najbližjega dealerja in kupite LSD
Greš v kino in si poiščeš stolico
Uporabiš odmerek LSD-ja
Ogledaš si film
Pojdite do najbližjega dealerja in kupite LSD
Greš v kino in si poiščeš stolico
Uporabiš odmerek LSD-ja
Ogledaš si film
Rubber je zgodba o Robertu neživi pnevmatiki, ki je bila opuščena v puščavi, in nenadoma in nerazložljivo zaživi. Kot se Robert potika po žalostni puščavski pokrajini odkrije, da ima grozljive telepatske moči, ki mu dajo možnost da uniči vse kar želi, ne da bi se premaknil. Sprva se spravi nad mala puščavska bitja in različne rabljene predmete, svojo pozornost kmalu obrne na ljudi, še posebej lepo in skrivnostno žensko, ki prečka njegovo pot. Pušča tako za seboj pot, Robert postane kaotični morilec. Režija filma je v rokah legendarnega glasbenika Quentin Dupieux (Steak, Nonfilm), aka Mr Oizo, Rubber je pameten, zabaven in povsem izviren filmski koncept ˝nobenega smisla˝
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Quentin Dupieux |
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Quentin Dupieux |
Season of the Witch REVIEW
Studio: Lionsgate
Release: January 7, 2011
Director: Dominic Sena
Writer: Bragi Schut Jr.
Cast: Nicolas Cage, Ron Perlman, Stephen Campbell Moore, Claire Foy, Robbie Sheehan, Stephen Graham, Ulrich Thomsen
Genre: fantasy-adventure-action
RATING: 5 / 10
Nicolas Cage made a lot of bad movies in his career as an actor The Wiker Man, Ghost Rider, Bangkok Dangerous, Zandalee and that's just to name a few (in his career has shot 66 films, most of which are just a colossal crap), The Season of the Witch is not worth the ticket price. The main plot is so poor, the film aspires to be a fantasy-adventure-action movie, but it is not, and I really do not know what this film is. Cannot be a historical epic because it’s too ˝small˝, it cannot be a fantasy because there is no fantasy in this film. So I wonder, but mostly cause I think Nicolas Cage is after all a good actor, why did you accept to act in this flick, need money?
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Nicolas Cage |
VOTO: 5/10
Di cavolate nella sua carriera di attore Nicolas Cage ne ha fatte tante The Wiker Man, Ghost Rider, Bangkok Dangerous, Zandalee e questo solo per nominarne qualcuno (nella sua carriera ha girato 66 film di cui la maggior parte sono cagate colossali), The Season of the Witch non vale nemmeno il prezzo del biglietto. La storia non ce, il film aspira ad essere un fantasy-adventure-action movie, ma non lo e', non si sa cosa sia questo film. Non puo' essere un colossal perche' e' troppo ˝piccolo˝, non puo' essere un fantasy perche' tranne gli ultimi dieci minuti non ha nulla di fantasy. Quindi mi domando, ma sopratutto perche' credo che Nicolas Cage sia tutto sommato un buon attore, perche' ti riduci a fare certi film, ti servono soldi?
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Nicolas Cage |
Ocena: 5/10
Nicolas Cage je v svoji karieri kot igralec igral v veliko slabih filmov The Wiker Man, Ghost Rider, Bangkok Dangerous, Zandalee in to sem jih naštel le nekaj (v svoji karieri posnel 66 filmov, ki so večinoma le ogromno sranje), Season of the Witch ni vreden niti cene vstopnice. Glavne zgodba je tako slaba, film si prizadeva da bi film a fantasy-adventure-action, vendar ni, in jaz res ne vem, kaj naj bi ta celovečerec bil. Ne more biti zgodovinski ep, ker je preveč ˝majhen˝, da ne more biti fantasy ker ni ničesar magičnega v tem filmu. Zato se sprašujem, predvsem pa za to ker Nicolas Cage je navsezadnje dober igralec, zakaj je sprejel vlogo v tejm filmu, potrebuje tako krvavo denar?
And the Oscar go to...
127 Hours
Black Swan
The Fighter
The Kids Are All Right
The King’s Speech
The Social Network
Toy Story 3
True Grit
Winter’s Bone
Javier Bardem, Biutiful
Jeff Bridges, True Grit
Jesse Eisenberg, The Social Network
Colin Firth, The King’s Speech
James Franco, 127 Hours
Christian Bale, The Fighter
John Hawkes, Winter’s Bone
Jeremy Renner, The Town
Mark Ruffalo, The Kids Are All Right
Geoffrey Rush, The King’s Speech
Annette Bening, The Kids Are All Right
Nicole Kidman, Rabbit Hole
Jennifer Lawrence, Winter’s Bone
Natalie Portman, Black Swan
Michelle Williams, Blue Valentine
Amy Adams, The Fighter
Helena Bonham Carter, The King’s Speech
Melissa Leo, The Fighter
Hailee Steinfeld, True Grit
Jacki Weaver, Animal Kingdom
How to Train Your Dragon
The Illusionist
Toy Story 3
Alice in Wonderland, Robert Stromberg, Karen O’Hara
Happy Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 1, Stuart Craig, Stephenie McMillan
Inception, Guy Hendrix Dyas, Larry Dias, Doug Mowat
The King’s Speech, Eve Stewart, Judy Farr
True Grit, Jess Gonchor, Nancy Haigh
Black Swan, Matthew Libatique
Inception, Wally Pfister
The King’s Speech, Danny Cohen
The Social Network, Jeff Cronenweth
True Grit, Roger Deakins
Alice in Wonderland, Colleen Atwood
I Am Love, Antonella Cannarozzi
The King’s Speech, Jenny Beaven
The Tempest, Sandy Powell
True Grit, Mary Zophres
Darren Aronofsky, Black Swan
Joel & Ethan Coen, True Grit
David Fincher, The Social Network
Tom Hooper, The King’s Speech
David O. Russell, The Fighter
Exit Through the Gift Shop, Banksy and Jaimie D’Cruz
Gasland, Josh Fox and Trish Adlesic
Inside Job, Charles Ferguson and Audrey Marrs
Restrepo, Tim Hetherington and Sebastian Junger
Waste Land, Lucy Walker and Angus Aynley
Killing in the Name (Nominees TBD)
Poster Girl (Nominees (TBD)
Strangers No More, Karen Goodman and Kirk Simon
Sun Come Up, Jennifer Redfearn and Tim Metzger
The Warriors of Qiugang, Ruby Yang and Thomas Lennon
127 Hours, Jon Harris
Black Swan, Andrew Weisblum
The Fighter, Pamela Martin
The King’s Speech, Tariq Anwar
The Social Network, Angus Wall and Kirk Baxter
Hors la Loi (Outside the Law) (Algeria)
Incendies (Canada)
In a Better World (Denmark)
Dogtooth (Greece)
Biutiful (Mexico)
Barney’s Version, Adrien Morot
The Way Back, Eduoard F. Henriques, Gregory Funk, Yolanda Toussieng
The Wolfman, Rick Baker and Dave Elsey
127 Hours, A.R. Rahman
How to Train Your Dragon, John Powell
Inception, Hans Zimmer
The King’s Speech, Alexandre Desplat
The Social Network, Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross
“Coming Home,” Country Strong, Tom Douglas, Troy Verges and Hillary Lindsey
“I See the Light,” Tangled, Alan Menken, Glenn Slater
“If I Rise,” 127 Hours, A.R. Rahman, Dido, Rollo Armstrong
“We Belong Together,” Toy Story 3, Randy Newman
Day & Night, Teddy Newton
The Gruffalo, Jakob Schuh and Max Lang
Let’s Pollute, Geefwee Boedoe
The Lost Thing, Shaun Tan and Andrew Ruhemann
Madagascar, Carnet de Voyage (Madagascar, a Journey Diary), Bastien Dubois
The Confession, Tanel Toom
The Crush, Michael Creagh
God of Love, Luke Matheny
Na Wewe, Ivan Goldschmidt
Wish 143, Ian Barnes and Samantha Waite
Inception, Richard King
Toy Story 3, Tom Myers and Michael Silvers
TRON: Legacy, Gwendolyn Yates Whittle and Addison Teague
True Grit, Skip Lievsay and Craig Berkey
Unstoppable, Mark P. Stoeckinger
Inception, Lora Hirschberg, Gary A. Rizzo, and Ed Novick
The King’s Speech, Paul Hamblin, Martin Jensen, and John Midgley
Salt, Jeffrey J. Haboush, Greg P. Russell, Scott Millan, and William Sarokin
The Social Network, Ren Klyce, David Parker, Michael Semanick, and Mark Weingarten
True Grit, Skip Lievsay, Craig Berkey, Greg Orloff, and Peter F. Kurland
Alice in Wonderland, Ken Ralston, David Schaub, Carey Villegas and Sean Phillips
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 1, Tim Burke, John Richardson, Christian Manz and Nicolas Aithadi
Hereafter, Michael Owens, Bryan Grill, Stephan Trojanski and Joe Farrell
Inception, Paul Franklin, Chris Corbould, Andrew Lockley and Peter Bebb
Iron Man 2, Janek Sirrs, Ben Snow, Ged Wright and Daniel Sudick
Another Year, written by Mike Leigh
The Fighter, Screenplay by Scott Silver and Paul Tamasy & Eric Johnson; Story by Keith Dorrington & Paul Tamasy & Eric Johnson
Inception, written by Christopher Nolan
The Kids Are All Right, written by Lisa Cholodenko & Stuart Blumberg
The King’s Speech, Screenplay by David Seidler
127 Hours, Screenplay by Danny Boyle & Simon Beaufoy
The Social Network, Screenplay by Aaron Sorkin
Toy Story 3, Screenplay by Michael Arndt; Story by John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich
True Grit, written for the screen by Joel Coen & Ethan Coen
Winter’s Bone, adapted for the screen by Debra Granik & Anne Rosellini
127 Hours
Black Swan
The Fighter
The Kids Are All Right
The King’s Speech
The Social Network
Toy Story 3
True Grit
Winter’s Bone
Javier Bardem, Biutiful
Jeff Bridges, True Grit
Jesse Eisenberg, The Social Network
Colin Firth, The King’s Speech
James Franco, 127 Hours
Christian Bale, The Fighter
John Hawkes, Winter’s Bone
Jeremy Renner, The Town
Mark Ruffalo, The Kids Are All Right
Geoffrey Rush, The King’s Speech
Annette Bening, The Kids Are All Right
Nicole Kidman, Rabbit Hole
Jennifer Lawrence, Winter’s Bone
Natalie Portman, Black Swan
Michelle Williams, Blue Valentine
Amy Adams, The Fighter
Helena Bonham Carter, The King’s Speech
Melissa Leo, The Fighter
Hailee Steinfeld, True Grit
Jacki Weaver, Animal Kingdom
How to Train Your Dragon
The Illusionist
Toy Story 3
Alice in Wonderland, Robert Stromberg, Karen O’Hara
Happy Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 1, Stuart Craig, Stephenie McMillan
Inception, Guy Hendrix Dyas, Larry Dias, Doug Mowat
The King’s Speech, Eve Stewart, Judy Farr
True Grit, Jess Gonchor, Nancy Haigh
Black Swan, Matthew Libatique
Inception, Wally Pfister
The King’s Speech, Danny Cohen
The Social Network, Jeff Cronenweth
True Grit, Roger Deakins
Alice in Wonderland, Colleen Atwood
I Am Love, Antonella Cannarozzi
The King’s Speech, Jenny Beaven
The Tempest, Sandy Powell
True Grit, Mary Zophres
Darren Aronofsky, Black Swan
Joel & Ethan Coen, True Grit
David Fincher, The Social Network
Tom Hooper, The King’s Speech
David O. Russell, The Fighter
Exit Through the Gift Shop, Banksy and Jaimie D’Cruz
Gasland, Josh Fox and Trish Adlesic
Inside Job, Charles Ferguson and Audrey Marrs
Restrepo, Tim Hetherington and Sebastian Junger
Waste Land, Lucy Walker and Angus Aynley
Killing in the Name (Nominees TBD)
Poster Girl (Nominees (TBD)
Strangers No More, Karen Goodman and Kirk Simon
Sun Come Up, Jennifer Redfearn and Tim Metzger
The Warriors of Qiugang, Ruby Yang and Thomas Lennon
127 Hours, Jon Harris
Black Swan, Andrew Weisblum
The Fighter, Pamela Martin
The King’s Speech, Tariq Anwar
The Social Network, Angus Wall and Kirk Baxter
Hors la Loi (Outside the Law) (Algeria)
Incendies (Canada)
In a Better World (Denmark)
Dogtooth (Greece)
Biutiful (Mexico)
Barney’s Version, Adrien Morot
The Way Back, Eduoard F. Henriques, Gregory Funk, Yolanda Toussieng
The Wolfman, Rick Baker and Dave Elsey
127 Hours, A.R. Rahman
How to Train Your Dragon, John Powell
Inception, Hans Zimmer
The King’s Speech, Alexandre Desplat
The Social Network, Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross
“Coming Home,” Country Strong, Tom Douglas, Troy Verges and Hillary Lindsey
“I See the Light,” Tangled, Alan Menken, Glenn Slater
“If I Rise,” 127 Hours, A.R. Rahman, Dido, Rollo Armstrong
“We Belong Together,” Toy Story 3, Randy Newman
Day & Night, Teddy Newton
The Gruffalo, Jakob Schuh and Max Lang
Let’s Pollute, Geefwee Boedoe
The Lost Thing, Shaun Tan and Andrew Ruhemann
Madagascar, Carnet de Voyage (Madagascar, a Journey Diary), Bastien Dubois
The Confession, Tanel Toom
The Crush, Michael Creagh
God of Love, Luke Matheny
Na Wewe, Ivan Goldschmidt
Wish 143, Ian Barnes and Samantha Waite
Inception, Richard King
Toy Story 3, Tom Myers and Michael Silvers
TRON: Legacy, Gwendolyn Yates Whittle and Addison Teague
True Grit, Skip Lievsay and Craig Berkey
Unstoppable, Mark P. Stoeckinger
Inception, Lora Hirschberg, Gary A. Rizzo, and Ed Novick
The King’s Speech, Paul Hamblin, Martin Jensen, and John Midgley
Salt, Jeffrey J. Haboush, Greg P. Russell, Scott Millan, and William Sarokin
The Social Network, Ren Klyce, David Parker, Michael Semanick, and Mark Weingarten
True Grit, Skip Lievsay, Craig Berkey, Greg Orloff, and Peter F. Kurland
Alice in Wonderland, Ken Ralston, David Schaub, Carey Villegas and Sean Phillips
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 1, Tim Burke, John Richardson, Christian Manz and Nicolas Aithadi
Hereafter, Michael Owens, Bryan Grill, Stephan Trojanski and Joe Farrell
Inception, Paul Franklin, Chris Corbould, Andrew Lockley and Peter Bebb
Iron Man 2, Janek Sirrs, Ben Snow, Ged Wright and Daniel Sudick
Another Year, written by Mike Leigh
The Fighter, Screenplay by Scott Silver and Paul Tamasy & Eric Johnson; Story by Keith Dorrington & Paul Tamasy & Eric Johnson
Inception, written by Christopher Nolan
The Kids Are All Right, written by Lisa Cholodenko & Stuart Blumberg
The King’s Speech, Screenplay by David Seidler
127 Hours, Screenplay by Danny Boyle & Simon Beaufoy
The Social Network, Screenplay by Aaron Sorkin
Toy Story 3, Screenplay by Michael Arndt; Story by John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich
True Grit, written for the screen by Joel Coen & Ethan Coen
Winter’s Bone, adapted for the screen by Debra Granik & Anne Rosellini
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