Director: Gore Verbinski
Writer: James Ward Byrkit, John Logan, Gore Verbinski
Cast: Johnny Depp, Isla Fisher, Abigail Breslin
RATING: 7 / 10
Now that they took the Verbinski director chair for Pirates of the Caribbean, what does he do? He takes Johnny Depp and direct a western-cartoon .
In contrast to classic western set in 1800, Rango is taking place in a todays imaginary community of animals. The movie is very actual, in fact it talks about H2O and a tyrannical mayor who wants to enslave the whole town.
The thing that left me fascinated was the violence and the strong language used in the Nickelodeon cartoon, there are blood, gunfire and some very strong language. A new to a cartoon produced by the well known cartoon production.
The cartoon, like all the cartoons of the last period, is very well filmed. Provides fun for kids and for those a bit older. Perhaps the only smear is found in the plot of the film, which in my opinion is a bit flat.
Now that they took the Verbinski director chair for Pirates of the Caribbean, what does he do? He takes Johnny Depp and direct a western-cartoon .
In contrast to classic western set in 1800, Rango is taking place in a todays imaginary community of animals. The movie is very actual, in fact it talks about H2O and a tyrannical mayor who wants to enslave the whole town.
The thing that left me fascinated was the violence and the strong language used in the Nickelodeon cartoon, there are blood, gunfire and some very strong language. A new to a cartoon produced by the well known cartoon production.
The cartoon, like all the cartoons of the last period, is very well filmed. Provides fun for kids and for those a bit older. Perhaps the only smear is found in the plot of the film, which in my opinion is a bit flat.
In the cartoon we find references to old Johnny Depp films:
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Pirates of the Caribbean
VOTO: 7/10

A differenza dei classici western ambientati nel 1800, Rango si svolge oggi in una immaginaria comunita' di animali. La trama del film e' anche molto attuale, infatti si parla di H2O e di un tirannico sindaco che vuole schiavizzare l'intera cittadina.
La cosa che piu' mi ha affascinato di Rango e' la violenza ed il linguaggio usato nel cartone prodotto dalla Nickelodeon, ci sono sangue, sparatorie e del linguaggio abbastanza forte. Cosa del tutto nuova per un cartone animato prodotto dalla nota casa di produzione.
Il cartone animato, come del resto tutti i cartone animati dell'ultimo periodo, e' fatto bene. Assicura divertimento per grandi e per quelli un po piu' piccoli. Forse un unica sbavatura la troviamo nella trama del film, che a mio parere e' un po piatta.
Nel cartone troviamo riferimenti a vecchi film di Johnny Depp:
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Pirates of the Caribbean